"Chess Mastery Unleashed: Think Like a Grandmaster, Play Like a Champion!"

Elevate your chess skills with our engaging and interactive course. Unleash the enthusiast in you!

Join Our Exclusive Opening Chess Course & Learn The Insights Of Chess opening.

Our Top Performers

Course Highlights - what's in it for YOU?

Join this 👇🏻 session to explore strategies for crafting a well-defined roadmap to excel in chess openings and enhance your chances of success on the board from the very start with our Chess Course.

Our Google Reviews

Freebies of Joining our Chess Course.

🎉Bonus #1

1 Months Free Live Classes 🧑‍🎓

worth: ₹ 1999/-

🎉Bonus #2

3 Chess Workbooks📚

worth: ₹ 999/-

Assets worth ₹2998/-Absolutely


This Chess Opening Course is ideal for

Chess enthusiasts who aspire to excel in their chess game.

Chess players who have some knowledge but aim to achieve complete clarity in their chess openings.

Chess players who possess a solid understanding of basic chess strategies but wish to explore advanced chess opening techniques.

Chess enthusiasts who aim to acquire comprehensive knowledge of chess openings, including advanced strategies and tactics.

Chess players seeking to enhance their game and lack the time to extensively research subjects like Pawn Structures, Opening Theory, Tactical Patterns, and Strategic Concepts.

Select the boxes if your answer is ‘yes’ 🚀

If You’ve Checked Any of these boxes…
you CAN’T MISS this opportunity to enhance your chess skills! 🚀

It will be a 'Game Changer' for your chess opening skills.

About your coach

AGM.Himanshu Chhabra

Meet Himanshu Chhabra, a FIDE Arena Grandmaster and the founder of Mychesslearning.com.

With a professional chess career spanning over 14 years, Himanshu has garnered numerous accolades in national and state-level tournaments.His expertise isn’t just limited to playing; as a certified chess trainer from the All India Chess Federation, he has guided over a thousand students, many of whom have achieved international chess ratings and won prestigious tournaments.

Himanshu’s passion for chess goes beyond the board. He believes in making professional chess training accessible to all. Through Mychesslearning.com, he offers systematic, high-quality instruction tailored to help students at all levels improve their chess skills. While the journey to becoming a Grandmaster is challenging, Himanshu assures that under his mentorship, students will see significant improvements in their understanding and abilities in chess.

Frequently Asked Questions

Participants in the opening course will gain access to the course materials and resources directly from our website. Live classes will be conducted every Saturday at 7:15 pm IST via Zoom.

After enrolling in the course, participants will receive the live class Zoom link through their provided WhatsApp number. This will allow for easy access to the live classes and timely notifications.

The fee for enrolling in this chess opening course is ₹999!

This chess opening course is open to chess enthusiasts of all skill levels who are eager to enhance their knowledge and skills in chess openings. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, you are welcome to join and benefit from this course.

You will receive the FREEBIES, including 1 Month live classes, as part of your enrollment package right from the beginning of the course. These resources will be accessible to you as soon as you join the course.

Limited Time Offer